Submit a Story for AfroVibes Media

Have a Story to Tell?

At AfroVibes Media, we aim to highlight voices from the community. Reaching over 10 thousand millennials per week through our website and social media platforms combined, we invite you to tell your story.

Here are a few guidelines for submitting an article for AfroVibes:

1. Articles should be original: If information is derived from other sources, please state the source in the article by using hyperlinks.
2. Articles should be fairly accurate where dates, events, and places are mentioned.
3. Articles should be grammatically correct as much as possible. This does not mean vernacular cannot be used. If you write in Pidgin English, then by all means do so.
4. Articles should have a picture(s) related to the article topic. Quality pictures help your article to stand out.


Once you register, you will be able to write/manage your article, upload pictures and embed music links, but will not be allowed to publish it. An admin or editor will approve your article before it can be published.
Please note, you will only need to manage the "Content" tab. The "Promote" and "Settings" tabs will be managed by an admin.

While we encourage you to send your submission, there is no guarantee that your post will be published. With that being said, please submit your best work and start letting your voice be heard.

For questions or concerns, please contact

The AfroVibes Media Team

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Your password can't be similar to your personal information.
Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
Your password can't be commonly used.
Your password can't be entirely numeric.

Re-enter your password for verification.

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